The Exercise

Ankle Strengthening Exercises & Stretches – Ask Doctor Jo

Ankle Strengthening Exercises & Stretches - Ask Doctor Jo

Ankle Strengthening Exercises & Stretches: These ankle strengthening exercises can help rehab your ankle or improve your overall balance and gait. Using a resistive band can help increase your strength with a 4-way ankle exercise routine. To see Doctor Jo’s detailed blog post about this video, visit

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Doctor Jo is a licensed Physical Therapist and Doctor of Physical Therapy.


More details about this video:
Your ankles are very important with balance. Many times when your ankles become weak, you get very poor balance, and sometimes even have a hard time walking. This video shows you some exercises to strengthen your ankles.

This is a simple 4-way ankle exercise with a resistive band. Start off my propping your ankle up or hang your foot off the bed or table so your heel doesn’t touch the floor. Put the band around the ball of your foot for good resistance. First, push your foot down and up. This is called ankle plantar flexion. Next you want to wrap the band around your other foot. Now you will have resistance pulling out. This is ankle eversion. Next you are going to cross your foot over the foot with the band as seen in the video, and pull your foot inward. This is ankle inversion. Finally, you can use a table leg or heavy chair as your anchor. Wrap it around and pull the band towards you. Pull your foot up towards your head. This is called ankle dorsiflexion. Start off with 10-15 times. If you get to 20-25 and it is easy, increase the resistive band.

Ankle Strengthening Exercises & Stretches:

DISCLAIMER: This video and any related comments are not medical advice. Doctor Jo is a licensed Physical Therapist and Doctor of Physical Therapy; however, she is not YOUR Physical Therapist and can’t possibly diagnose you through the Internet. So don’t use this information to avoid going to your own healthcare professional or to replace the advice they have given you. This information is only intended to show you the correct technique for physical therapy exercises and should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any medical condition. If you are not properly diagnosed, this information won’t help, and it could make things worse. So seriously, check with your healthcare professional before doing these techniques. If you experience any pain or difficulty while doing these exercises, stop immediately and see your healthcare professional.
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The Exercise

Turf Toe Stretches Exercise – Ask Doctor Jo

Turf toe is basically when you sprain the ligaments of your big toe joint. This happens a lot with football and soccer players who play on turf. These stretches and exercises should help the ligaments heal. See Doctor Jo’s blog post about this at:

The first sequence takes a lot of coordination and concentration. Sit on floor with your legs straight out in front of you. Flex your foot upward, towards your face, and curl your toes in at the same time. Then point your foot downward, and bring your toes up at the same time. The sequence is foot up, toes down, foot down, toes up. Start off with 5-10 of these.

Next you will put a towel on the floor. You can stretch your toes by placing your foot on the towel. Leave your heel on the floor holding the towel in place, and pull the towel up and over your toes until you feel a stretch. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds, and do it three times. Then try to crumple the towel with your toes. Start with 30 seconds and work your way up to a minute.

The Exercise

TMJ Pain Relief with Simple Exercises & Stretches – Ask Doctor Jo

TMJ exercises & stretches can help relieve jaw pain in the temporomandibular joint. This TMJ treatment can help relieve TMJ symptoms like jaw clicking, jaw popping, jaw pain, and deviations that are common with TMJ disorder. For another TMJ pain relief video, click here:

TMJ stretches & exercises around the joint should help relieve TMJ pain. Start off with a simple side bend of your head to help stretch out the muscles in your neck. You can follow these with some gentle active range of motion stretches.

Now you will do a TMJ massage for some of the muscles that become tight when you have TMJ dysfunction. These are the Masseter muscles and temporalis muscles

The final exercises are isometric jaw exercises.

These TMJ pain relief stretches and exercises should help relieve TMJ symptoms and relieve the jaw pain associated with TMJ disorder.

The Exercise

SI Joint Dysfunction Exercises & Stretches – Ask Doctor Jo

SI Joint Dysfunction Exercises & Stretches These SI joint dysfunction exercises can help if you’ve been told you have a hip rotation. They will help you to keep it in place and strengthen the muscles so it won’t rotate back out of place. Sometimes you might feel or hear a pop. See Doctor Jo’s blog post about SI Joint Dysfunction at

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Doctor Jo is a licensed Physical Therapist and Doctor of Physical Therapy.


More details about this video:
The exercises and stretches in this video will help if you have been diagnosed with a SI joint dysfunction. This is when the pelvis is out of alignment with your spine. The sacrum comes together with your iliac bones, and this joint is called the SI joint.

Your doctor or therapist might tell you that you have a posterior or anterior pelvic rotation. This is also called an innominate rotation. It can cause pain in your hips or pelvis and sacrum area. Many times people will say it hurts in their butt cheek area. It will also be painful while walking or change your gait pattern. Once it’s corrected by your therapist, you want to strengthen your hip and pelvic muscles to keep it in place. Occasionally, it will go back out, and here is a good way to self-correct it.

Here are some isometric hip exercises and techniques to get it back in place and keep it in place. Using a combination of hip flexion and extension, and then hip abduction and hip adduction will help rotate the hips back into place. With isometric exercises and all exercises, make sure you are not holding your breath. If you cannot talk while you are performing exercises, then most likely you are holding your breath.

SI Joint Dysfunction Exercises & Stretches:

DISCLAIMER: This video and any related comments are not medical advice. Doctor Jo is a licensed Physical Therapist and Doctor of Physical Therapy; however, she is not YOUR Physical Therapist and can’t possibly diagnose you through the Internet. So don’t use this information to avoid going to your own healthcare professional or to replace the advice they have given you. This information is only intended to show you the correct technique for physical therapy exercises and should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any medical condition. If you are not properly diagnosed, this information won’t help, and it could make things worse. So seriously, check with your healthcare professional before doing these techniques. If you experience any pain or difficulty while doing these exercises, stop immediately and see your healthcare professional.
Video Rating: / 5

Burn Fat

12 Stretches You Can Do at Home to Burn Fat

You don’t have to go through intense cardio workouts to get the body of your dreams. Try out 12 simple stretches you can do at home to burn fat quickly. Flexibility exercises are also helpful in improving metabolism, blood circulation, and even muscle building. They improve your posture and, thus, even increase your height. You can engage all of your abdominal muscles and even reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. The Warrior pose improves your balance as well. The Bridge is especially known for toning and shaping the buttocks. And no more back pain is a great bonus of this stretch too.
Stretching your inner and outer thighs is key for good flexibility. This pose in particular targets the muscles of your inner thighs and groin. If you aren’t very flexible, doing this stretch regularly will change that significantly.
Besides the physical stuff, stretches also have a great effect on your emotional state, helping you deal with depression and stress.
Don’t forget to come back to this video at least once a week and do these exercises with us! They have tons of health benefits that will allow you to achieve your dream body within weeks.

Music: Vibe Mountain – Operatic 3

The Cobra 0:33
Seated Torso Twist 1:33
The Warrior 2:39
The Bridge 3:49
Side Lunge 4:49
Inner Thigh Stretch 6:00
Knee Squeeze 6:59
Tricep Stretch 7:57
Sitting Side Bend 9:00
The Bow 10:03
Downward Facing Dog 11:00
The Triangle 12:05

-The cobra stretch stretches out your spine and helps promote the growth of cartilage between your vertebrae.
-Seated Torso Twist exercise targets your back, abs, and obliques.
-The Warrior works your hips, back, and abs. It also strengthens your core: the deeper the lunge you do, the harder your core works.
-This exercise is a great workout for your glutes, legs, and abs. It’s especially known for toning and shaping the buttocks.
-Side lunges have a positive effect on your hip flexors, quads, and hamstrings. The main target, though, is your legs.
-Stretching your inner and outer thighs is key for good flexibility.
-Knee Squeeze works your upper, middle, and lower back muscles. It’s also great at reducing and getting rid of knee pain.
-Tricep stretching targets your triceps as well as your back, shoulders, and even your abs.
-Sitting Side Bend gives a good workout to your obliques, back, shoulders, and abs.
-The Bow pose targets your abs, back, and hips.
-This pose targets your legs, hips, back, shoulders, and arms. It improves digestion too.
-The Triangle exercise works your legs, obliques, hips, shoulders, and chest. It also gives your sides a good deep stretch.

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