Hair Loss

Top 5 Hair Loss Treatments for Men – Fighting Male Baldness & Alopecia

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Hair loss is very normal for most men and it happens to us as we age. Frankly, I don’t know of any man including me who is happy to lose their hair. So the big question is how do you treat or even reverse hair loss?

In today’s video, we’re only going to talk about male pattern hair loss which is a hereditary trait and not tied to any medications or illnesses. I’m not a medical doctor and everything I say here is based on my experience and my opinions. So the first place to start when you notice some hair loss is your doctor. Talk to them to figure out if anything is wrong so you can get to the real bottom of it. So of course the big question is how can you treat hair loss or possibly even reverse it?

1. Some people argue that hair loss has something to do with the type of hat you wear or the grooming you do but that is simply not the case. Brushing your hair or wearing a baseball hat are totally fine and will have no

2. Hair loss myth number two is to take hair vitamins. The truth is there’s no such thing as a hair vitamin unless the cause of your hair loss was a nutritional deficiency.

3. Hair loss also isn’t caused by any stress, a lack of circulation, or the sun shining on your head.

4. Guys who go bald have more testosterone and the increased testosterone has something to do with the lack of hair in your head, not true! Studies have shown that men who are bald have similar testosterone levels to men who are not bald.

5. Finally, there’s one connection to balding that’s actually very true. Smoking makes your baldness more severe and it’s just something to keep in mind next time you smoke that cigarette.


1. Finasteride
Finasteride is a prescription drug also known under the brand name Propecia. It has been on the market since 1997 and you just take it orally in form of a pill every day. It treats hair loss on your crown and the middle part of your scalp but not on other parts of your body. It blocks your DHT hormones by about 70% thus slowing down the shrinkage and shortening of your hair and therefore, you keep your hair for longer. Dutasteride also blocks DHT even though it’s more effective in the sense that it can block up to 90% of DHT versus Finasteride only blocks up to about 70% of the DHT hormone. So obviously, it’s more effective but it’s not FDA approved in the US for hair loss treatment.

2. Minoxidil / Rogaine
It’s an over-the-counter medication and FDA approved in the US for hair loss treatment. Interestingly, it’s supposed to be used around the crown of your scalp only and nowhere else. It’s basically a foam that you have to apply to your crown twice a day in order to be effective. In my book, that’s a serious commitment.

3. Hair transplantation
This is not a drug but it works actually by moving hair follicles from areas where you have a lot of hair to areas where you don’t have a lot of hair. Yes, it sounds like a lot of work and it is because every single follicle from the back or from the side of your scalp has to be relocated. Because of that, it takes a lot of time, is therefore very costly, and can also cause a lot pain.

4. Laser therapy
It’s also known as low light therapy or cold laser therapy and it works in the way that photons are irradiated onto your scalp thus helping to increase the circulation on your scalp. The idea is that the photons stimulate the circulation in your scalp and therefore, help your hair growth.

5. Scalp micropigmentation
Now, this really doesn’t treat the hair loss, it is more of a cosmetic procedure, think of it you are tattooing little dots onto your head so it looks like you have a buzz cut that was intentional and not forced because you’re going bald. It cost anywhere between 00-00 depending on how many hair dots have to be tattooed onto your scalp.
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Each year thousands of men fly to Turkey to go under the knife to stop them losing their hair.
The BBC’s Tiffany Sweeney follows one of them as he undergoes the costly procedure miles from home to see how effective the operation is.

Producers: Ed Ram, Chris Robinson and Dino Sofos

#Turkey #HairTransplant #HairLoss #BBC

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Hair Loss Treatment

Hair Loss Treatments For Men

Subscribe to MonkeySee for more great videos: Dr. Ken Washenik, Vice Chair of the Hair Foundation, discusses hair loss treatments for men.
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In Episode 7, Dr Vikram Jayaprakash and Dr Russell Knudsen discuss the role of Minoxidil in the treatment of Male Patter Hair Loss. We will discuss how it works, the ways it can be administered and the things to look out for.
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Hair Loss

The Most Effective Treatments And Home Remedies For Hair Fall – Hair Loss Cure

Many of us think hair loss is one problem that doesn’t have a definite cure. Here’s some good news! Dermatologist and Cosmetologist, Dr. Bindu Sthalekar shares some of her best kept tips and effective treatments that will stop your haunting hair loss problem permanently and if you are regular, you will be able to convert your scalp from a desert into a forest 🙂

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Saw Palmetto For Hair loss. This video is about whether you can use Saw Palmetto for hair loss. Dr Sam will talk about the current medical evidence for using Saw Palmetto to treat hair loss.

Male pattern baldness is the most common type of hair loss that develops in men. The age it first starts is variable, where about 30% of men aged 30 years will have significant balding. Nearly all men have some hair loss by the age of 60 years. Usually it will take 15-25 years to go completely bald, but for some men it will take less than 5 years.

Hair begins to thin at the temples and on the top of the head. A bald patch gradually develops in the middle of the scalp. Over time, the sides and crown balding gradually enlarge and join together, leaving a patch at the front.

In men with male pattern baldness testosterone levels are normal. Cells in the skin (scalp) convert testosterone to another hormone dihydrotestosterone. For unclear reasons, affected hair follicles become more sensitive to dihydrotestosterone and shrink. When the follicles shrink, each new hair is thinner and grows for a shorter amount of time until the hair does not grow out to the skin surface. It is unknown why only the scalp is affected and not facial or body hair. This condition is inherited, and various genes have been identified.

Saw palmetto is an extract from the berries of the palm tree saw palmetto (also called Serenoa Repens, serenoa serrulata or sabal serrulata). The plant is a native of West Indies and is grown in plenty on the Atlantic southeast coast of North America. The extract of these berries is easily available and inexpensive.

Serenoa repens is one among the many naturally occurring 5 alpha reductase (5aR) inhibitors.

Side effects are said to be uncommon. The most common side effect is mild stomach discomfort which can be alleviated by taking it after food, also breast tenderness and a loss in sex drive (libido) have been reported.

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I’m a kiwi doctor who wants to make it easier for people to fix common health problems. I work as a family doctor in New Zealand.

Hair Loss

Managing Alopecia: Cause of Hair Loss and Treatments for Regrowth

Hair loss is a common problem that can be caused by aging, hormonal changes, high-stress levels, or immune system reactions. Not all hair loss is permanent, and treatments may range from cosmetic solutions to transplantation to medications. Dermatologist Mary Margaret Noland, MD, discusses the types of hair loss, their symptoms and treatments.

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There are two main types of alopecia: scarring alopecia and non-scarring alopecia. Most of these, if they’re non-scarring, are either hormonally triggered, stress-induced, or medication-induced. Scarring alopecia often is inflammatory, or your immune system is triggering the alopecia.

Most patients experience increased shedding of hairs. Some people will notice a widened part. Patients that have acute hair loss can have redness, itching, or pain in the scalp, and sometimes tenderness.

Hair regrowth depends on the type of alopecia you have. Non-scarring alopecia does grow back. It does take time, hair grows very slowly. It’s like watching grass grow in your yard. If you look out your window every day, you don’t see anything. But if you look in a month, you’ll see thick, lush grass. The same thing applies to hair growth. It’s very slow, and you’re not going to see it on a day to day basis.

In non-scarring alopecia, you can get full regrowth back to your normal baseline.

With scarring alopecia, scar replaces those hairs. Starting treatment early to prevent further loss is the best option because once those scars overtake a hair follicle, the hair cannot grow back.

Treatment options can span from watchful waiting for your immune system or your level of stress to improve to systemic oral treatments that suppress your immune system. It depends on classifying the type of hair loss that you have. You may start with things like Rogaine or anti-inflammatory shampoos or topical steroids and work your way up to more aggressive oral treatments if need be.

Male-patterned hair loss has a genetic component. However, some hair loss can be caused by internal disease or medications. Dermatologists use physical examination, biopsies and blood tests to make a hair loss diagnosis.
