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Dr. Oz explains why belly fat is the easiest type of fat to lose on the body.

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These are the 7 PROVEN ways to increase your metabolism and burn MORE Fat while sitting, driving, or sleeping. By boosting your resting metabolic rate you can lose weight and experience more fat loss throughout the day as well as overnight. This video will show you how to burn extra calories without having to work out harder.  

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1. Thyroid hormones regulate thermogenesis:

2. 35% of the global population doesn’t get enough iodine:
See Table 3.6, page 12.;jsessionid=CCE79FB522560E31D7A267672BAF626D?sequence=1

3. “It is a myth (often also false advertising) that “natural” sea salt contains significant amounts of iodine.”

3.5 Sea salt and table salt have the same basic nutritional value, despite the fact that sea salt is often promoted as being healthier. Sea salt and table salt contain comparable amounts of sodium by weight.

4. Zinc and Selenium play a role in the conversion of the thyroid hormone T4 into its active form, T3:

5. “ZD2 had a substantial increase in RMR of 527 kcal/day at 2 months, with a subsequent increase of 465 kcal/day at 4 months.”

6. Two hours of cold exposure at 19 °C with light-clothing and intermittently putting their legs on an ice block, energy expenditure increased by hundreds of calories in some men
See figure 2a
Citation for the graph: Yoneshiro et al., 2010

7. Brown fat is located around the neck and shoulders, so it may be a good idea to target these areas when taking cold showers:

8. Taking a cold shower before bed can help you fall asleep faster:

8.5. Cold Exposure

9. “The diet providing a total of 15-30 g MCT per day stimulating 24-h EE by 5%”

10. Consuming Mct’s may boost your metabolism for over 6 hours
See figure 1.
Citation: Scalfi et al., 1991

11. Lauric acid raises Hdl (good) cholesterol and improves total-to-hdl ratio, which actually decreases cardiovascular risk:

12. “Replacement of LCTs with MCTs in the diet could potentially induce modest reductions in body weight and composition without adversely affecting lipid profiles”

13. “Drinking 500 ml of water increased metabolic rate by 30%”

14. Two separate studies both demonstrated an increase by up to 25% in resting energy expenditure, one hour after drinking cold water.:,

15. However not all evidence supports the theory for water boosting the metabolic rate.:

16. Capsaicin can increase metabolism by activating brown adipose tissues:

17. Evidence shows that chili peppers can promote fat-oxidation and support your metabolism while in energy restriction.:

18. Capsaicin improves the feeling of fullness and thus can reduce your desire to eat after dinner:

19. “DIT values are highest for protein (~15-30%), followed by CHOs (~5-10%) and fat (~0-3%)”

20. Protein helps you maintain muscle while you get leaner:,,,

21. Each pound does burn about six to eight calories per day:

22. Bodybuilders had a 14% higher metabolism than a similar control group (see chart):
Video Rating: / 5


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  3. hi everyone ,if anyone else wants to discover workout for slimmer waist try Mighty Shortcut Folio (should be on google have a look ) ? Ive heard some amazing things about it and my cousin got excellent success with it.

  4. it's the same old story: be in caloric deficit. there's no other way. eating eggs with something spicy as mentioned in the end is a cool catalyzing supplement, and eggs are awesome sources of nutrition. but in the end, the only way to lose fat is to stay in a caloric deficit.

  5. Buuuut I don't like eating just eggs by itself for breakfast 🙁 can't I have a egg salad sandwich instead? lol

  6. Belly fat has been the hardest for me, I don’t ever recall in my life having a flat stomach even when I was younger and at the size I was supposed to be for my age, even when I lost weight, the belly fat seems to go nowhere and who wants to be in shape with a fat stomach no one, I mean what’s even the point in trying to lose weight and get healthy if the belly fat goes nowhere cause belly fat causes a great deal of health problems so it can discourage you from wanting to lose the weight, now I wanna lose weight more so for health reasons than looks but I can’t say it wouldn’t be nice to have a flat stomach cause it’s something i ever remembering having and I want it, I want to get lean and tone and healthy that’s the ultimate goal but food and exercise are my Achilles heel as I don’t eat enough throughout the day to boost metabolism and don’t exercise enough to burn fat but I know my body and I need to start burning the belly fat before working on the rest of the body

  7. Has anyone used the Custokebon Secrets to lost a ton of fat? Simply do a google search. On there you will find an awesome guidelines about how exactly you can lost lots of fat. Why don't you give it a chance? perhaps it will work for you too.

  8. It's also from being depressed everyday then when your finally able to move on you worrie about keeping the fat off nobody realies I hate to always blame it on people but sometimes when they hang around you or irrate to be around you that leads into depression n makes you just want to eat the even more so my suggestion is if somebody doesn't like you please stay away from them so they can accomplish there Belly fat goal because the people that depress you need a hobby in life otherwise you want to go to the gym n gain muscle someday to just be able to reach your goal n punch them out for not leaving you alone in life it's what causes belly fat n depression n learning the foods you like n don't if you don't like pizza don't eat it !!!!

  9. Hi. Losing weight was a challenge. but I managed to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks by following this guide: the2weekdietnow. com (G00GLE it) you have to download the guide.

  10. This particular “Kαbοnοz Ydα” (Google it) diet plan appears to be promising. I consider this specific solution worked well for me personally, it offered me vitality and I’ve burned about 8 pounds this past days. It tells you just what you require and points out every little thing in more detail. .

  11. Hope you all enjoy the video. In case you missed the list of science-based references in the description, I've also included them below.

    1. Thyroid hormones regulate thermogenesis:

    2. 35% of the global population doesn’t get enough iodine:

    See Table 3.6, page 12.;jsessionid=CCE79FB522560E31D7A267672BAF626D?sequence=1

    3. “It is a myth (often also false advertising) that “natural” sea salt contains significant amounts of iodine.”

    3.5 Sea salt and table salt have the same basic nutritional value, despite the fact that sea salt is often promoted as being healthier. Sea salt and table salt contain comparable amounts of sodium by weight.

    4. Zinc and Selenium play a role in the conversion of the thyroid hormone T4 into its active form, T3:

    5. "ZD2 had a substantial increase in RMR of 527 kcal/day at 2 months, with a subsequent increase of 465 kcal/day at 4 months."

    6. Two hours of cold exposure at 19 °C with light-clothing and intermittently putting their legs on an ice block, energy expenditure increased by hundreds of calories in some men

    See figure 2a

    Citation for the graph: Yoneshiro et al., 2010

    7. Brown fat is located around the neck and shoulders, so it may be a good idea to target these areas when taking cold showers:

    8. Taking a cold shower before bed can help you fall asleep faster:

    8.5. Cold Exposure


    9. "The diet providing a total of 15-30 g MCT per day stimulating 24-h EE by 5%”

    10. Consuming Mct's may boost your metabolism for over 6 hours

    See figure 1.

    Citation: Scalfi et al., 1991

    11. Lauric acid raises Hdl (good) cholesterol and improves total-to-hdl ratio, which actually decreases cardiovascular risk:

    12. "Replacement of LCTs with MCTs in the diet could potentially induce modest reductions in body weight and composition without adversely affecting lipid profiles"

    13. "Drinking 500 ml of water increased metabolic rate by 30%"

    14. Two separate studies both demonstrated an increase by up to 25% in resting energy expenditure, one hour after drinking cold water.:,

    15. However not all evidence supports the theory for water boosting the metabolic rate.:

    16. Capsaicin can increase metabolism by activating brown adipose tissues:

    17. Evidence shows that chili peppers can promote fat-oxidation and support your metabolism while in energy restriction.:

    18. Capsaicin improves the feeling of fullness and thus can reduce your desire to eat after dinner:

    19. “DIT values are highest for protein (~15-30%), followed by CHOs (~5-10%) and fat (~0-3%)”

    20. Protein helps you maintain muscle while you get leaner:,,,

    21. Each pound does burn about six to eight calories per day:

    22. Bodybuilders had a 14% higher metabolism than a similar control group (see chart):

  12. No one:
    This video pops up in my page
    Me at the other hand:*clics the video*
    Again me: doesn't understand wth is going on
    Me last time:THATS WHY IM FAT AFF

  13. the cold exposure that you are mentioning is like cardio. it does not do anything. the real cold exposure is like a HIIT training. the amout of calorie getting burned is not much but you will produce some growth factors like pgc-1alpha or activate ppar-alpha. that results in long term benefits. i am not sure if the studies that you mentioned are covering that
    with real cold exposure i mean finishing the shower in the morning with cold water as cold as you can tolertate until you have to turn down the water. so maybe just one or half a minute or so.

  14. The part about salt…first thing: sea salt contains more microplastic than any other form of salt! And about the iodine: in the area i live in, peole had a deficiency of iodine for centuries and so iodine-salt is common here for a long time. This leads me to the following: if you really have a deficiency of iodine, you grow a goiter. (at least that is the word the dictionary told that thing is called in english.)

  15. The main point is you have to eat lots of protein, fiber, and healthy carbs

  16. There is some real clickbaity and misinformation going on here.
    first of all it is great you guys are referring to studies.
    But if its a poor study with a poor sample size, you do NOT want to be making people chase supplements unnecessarily and using that a base for the statement "you should get more X in your diet"
    You quoted a low quality study from 1991 in this video.

    Please quote additional studies, quality check the studies and if possible quote other studies that cover the same subject, but may have different results.

    this is negligent and dangerous.
    especially taking into account your large viewer base.

  17. so, drink lots of water, ok i allready drink nothing else, but this says to drink water every 30 minutes, sure, seems reasonable
    get iodized salt instead of using normal salt, ok i guess,
    zinc, well i have no idea where to find that right now but i guess i'l just look it up
    coconut oil, k
    proteine, so i guess eat more meat, fish,chicken, and less pasta or rice and certainly no fatty foods and keep eating vegetables and fruit
    keep training like a boss, more buff more burn
    use all the peppers, check, the burning exit is a price i am willing to pay
    i guess i can take a cold shower, though maybe that one is just not worth it, especially since i would just warm myself up afterwards

  18. The thumbnail made me think of my heartburn. wHEN i FIRST GO TO SLEEP IT BURNS A LITTLE BUT AFTER A WHILE IT'S LIKE it turns into a big fire.

  19. If you're going to switch to any kind of salt make it Himalayan pink salt as regular table salt has anti-caking agents that are absolutely destructive to the body.
