(Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) How do we effectively manage our weight when the world around us is full of enticing, unhealthy options? Kerri Boutelle, PhD, joins David Granet, M.D., F.A.C.S., F.A.A.P. to discuss how we can train our minds to avoid temptations and pay more attention to what our bodies really need. Series: “Health Matters” [2/2014] [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 25869]
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  1. Yes, I too am guilty of jumping through diet plan to others as well, I do believe that I must have tested every fat reduction program that was available, but eventually not one of them helped me to lose and keep the weight off. I ended up trying for the very last time using the Custokebon Secrets mainly because my cousin who told me great things about it and so far to date I've effectively lost 16 pounds within 3 weeks!

  2. I became so fired up to take the dietary regimen “Yamzoko Weebly” (Google it). My diet plan and also my consistency of few physical exercises was not modified and change. More than a period of 30 days, I shed about 6 lbs. With this this technique, I did notice that I ate less and filled up faster. .

  3. How effective is Fenoboci Diet Plan? We've heard numerous awesome things about this popular weight loss secrets.

  4. I use food for antidepressants. I reason that I don't take antidepressants or sleeping pills like most of my friends, so it could be worse. But I am still getting fatter and hate myself. I eat out of boredom too, but mostly anxiety. I operate under a low level of stress most days.

  5. This was fantastic up until the part about creating policies to "control" fast food. This is not only a political land mine but it just won't work. The entire discussion up to this point was about empowering people with the ability to manage their impulses, cues, and behaviors. This is the only way to go. They use smoking as an example of what creating "policies" can do….smoking is still an issue. All you will do when you tell people they "can't" is create an environment of wanting to do something more. We'll have Cartel's smuggling McDonalds in from across the border. Empower people to make the right choice…

  6. Honestly, the Professor might consider not starting the answer to every question with the word "so".

    And now the Doctor is doing it with every question!


  7. Great video.

    I'd like to hear/see something about rebound bingeing, which is what I seem to do. When I diet, I am S.T.R.I.C.T. with myself. No one has greater powers of resistance than I. Until I don't because when I fall off the wagon, I fall hard. I eat everything in sight (bread, chocolate, cakes – obviously not broccoli, carrots and celery!) and I've often wondered, if I were to 'allow' myself a small portion of the Forbidden Food™ daily, would I be less prone to this feast/famine approach?

    Who knows – certainly not me because it seems once I eat a trigger food, I just keep going until I am uncomfortably full.

  8. Hey There! Thanks a lot for this helpful video. By the way, I notice a lot of people keep on talking about Fenoboci Diet Plan (look on google search engine), but I'm not sure if it's good. Have you ever tried Fenoboci Diet Plan? I've heard several awesome things about it and my cousin lost lots of weight with it, but she refuses to tell me 🙁

  9. uys, losing weight doesn't need to be
    difficult (I used to feel it did). I'll give you some advice right now.
    Look for a diet plan called Fenoboci Diet Plan. Seriously, that program
    has changed my entire life. I probably shouldn't even be talking about
    it because I don't want a bunch of other guys out there running the same
    "game" but whatever, I am just in a great mood today so I'll share the
    wealth haha.

  10. Wonderful minds. One of the best videos on this matter on youtube hands down! I learned so much. Thank you.

  11. My buddy laughed when I told them I was going to lose weight with just using Fenoboci Diet Plan, but after I showed these people unbelivable effects after I used it they're begging me to tell them about it. Of course I won't let them know the details about this diet plan, haha 

  12. She has no idea what she's talking about!  EXPLAIN WHAT HAPPENED TO ME! When I was destitute, I gained 60lbs, on 300 cal a day, for 8 months, in 1992… Then in 2007, I had a Menire's attack and was unable to eat much, (300-400) Cal a day of liquids and bland foods for about 4 months… Then I as able to eat 1 meal a day then 2, and I was OK in 7 months…I gained 100 lbs in that time!  In general due to poverty I can only financially manage 2 meals a day for the last 24 years. I use Stevia and Almond milk, I don't smoke and I can only afford a beer or wine once in a while…  I rarely buy snacks or eat outside of my meals…I can't afford to go out… I'm a Celiac, and over the years I have lost my appetite. Now I have health problems from the weight I have gained, even with low food intake….  EXPLAIN WHAT HAPPENED TO ME!
