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The UK’s biggest and busiest NHS obesity unit opens its doors once again to allow exclusive insight into their battle with the bulge. Sunderland Royal Hospital is at the heart of one of the fattest regions in the country and the Weight Loss Ward is like a conveyor belt with thousands of patients turning to the knife to beat their morbid obesity. With personal stories and medical insights, Weight Loss Ward confronts delicate issues head on and reveals a shocking new trend: obese people who travel abroad for low budget operations – with sometimes fatal results.

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  1. How could she afford to stay in the house that long and not work. Who is paying her bills. Maybe If she had to work she may have gained a social life to keep her occupied, being lonely kills people.

  2. When people turn up this fat in our hospitals and cost the tax payer a fortune from self abuse we should take the opportunity to euthanize them. It’ll cost less to get rid of the carcass than to support the self abuse. We wouldn’t support a heroin or alcohol abuser like this.

  3. Doreen tried so hard bless her and bless Sharon she is an amazing friend! She did so well honestly, she did it the slow way but she put in the hard work! She’s inspired me! It’s very hard when your stuck in that way of life I have been up and down my whole life. I did get down to ideal weight then I developed an underactive thyroid and gained again. Now I’m working so hard to get it off again! For me diet alone hasn’t helped but I’m adding in that exercise and getting there myself!

  4. Doreen is the only person I've ever seen taking their own chair with them to hospital, and it's not even a wheelchair!

  5. Right so why the hell don't they give a 2 year weight loss program with intensive counselling before even discussing what I call a halfway easy fix? Mind over matter, the issues relating to food are psychological so it's really not that difficult to offer a dual diagnosis program.

  6. I love how they all say they have been on a diet all there life no you haven’t if you had you wouldn’t be huge they are all pathological liars and manipulators
