The Exercise

How to exercise your pelvic floor muscles || Pelvic Organ Prolapse || Stress Incontinence in Women

I’m a mum to 4 children including 3 year old twins, Since having my twins I’ve been progressively showing signs of a pelvic organ prolapse. Here I talk about how to exercise your pelvic floor muscles and the importance of strengthening your pelvic floor. I also talk about stress incontinence / urinary incontinence because I’m experiencing that at the moment. I hope you like this video topic on women’s health. I’m not an expert but I wanted to pass on my knowledge that I learned at a recent physiotherapy appointment for my pelvic floor.

The Exercise

Pelvic Floor Exercises for Organ prolapse

?This Pelvic Floor sequence is super effective to prevent organ prolapse!
Includes: breathing exercises, and Hypopressives!

Are you ready?
Lets do it together!

?Inhale-exhale and during exhalation:
1. contract your pelvic floor
2. Tilt your Pelvis towards your Rib cage
3. Repeat x3
Continue with Hypopressives!
Let me know if you have any questions!?
And don’t forget to
?Talk to your Doctor first to find out what Kind of Organ prolapse Do You have?
And if you qualify for pelvic Floor exercises!
Have a beautiful day!
Doctor Alexandra Chaux

The Exercise

Pelvic Floor Clinic (Module 2): Pelvic Organ Prolapse

What is POP, what are treatment options, and what YOU can do to help.

Many of us will not have heard the term prolapse until we experience a problem. But what exactly is a prolapse? And why are so many of us at risk?

The primary cause of prolapse is weakened or damaged pelvic floor muscles. Responsible for supporting each of the pelvic organs, when they are no longer strong enough to carry out this job effectively, it can result in one or more of the organs sagging, or dropping down, into the vagina/rectum. Scarily, it is estimated that 1 in 2 women over the age of 50 will suffer with some form of prolapse.

There are various different types and stages which represent the prolapse severity. For some of us, the symptoms will be so mild that we won’t even visit our doctor. However, even where this is the case, it can still significantly impact on our physical and emotional wellbeing.


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