Sleeping Well

The Importance of Sleep: 8 Scientific Health Benefits of Sleep + Sleeping Tips

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Today we’re going to talk about the importance of sleep and the 10 scientific health benefits of sleep.

We’re also going to finish with some proven sleeping tips that will ensure you get a full night’s rest and make sure you get the right amount.

8 health benefits of sleep:

1. Not getting enough sleep is linked to fat

2. Getting the right amount of sleep improves your hormones

3. Good sleep Improves your immune system

Another health benefit of sleep is helping you fight off being sick. In a recent study, people who sleep less than 7 hours a night are 3x more likely to develop a cold than those sleeping 8 hours or more.

4. Sleep Helps to Improve Learning

In a Swiss University study two groups were introduced to a new language, one right before bed and one during the daytime. The one’s who slept immediately after leaning new material learned the language quicker than those learning in the day time.

So studying before bed seems to be a good idea.

5. Sleep lowers the risk of developing depression

In a study of twins researchers found that short sleep increased the genetic risk of developing depression.

In fact, it has been estimated that 90% of patients with depression also suffer from some from of sleep apnea.

6. People who get more sleep naturally eat less

When you don’t get enough sleep, the fluctuations of hormones cause greater cravings and worse appetite control.

So if you’re someone who’s trying to lose weight but just can’t stay away from the late night snacks, getting more sleep is something that can probably help.

7. Sleep helps us empathize with others

Another strange health benefit of sleep is a better understanding of social cues.

One study found that those who are sleep deprived lose the ability to properly recognize expressions of anger and happiness in the faces of others.

8. Sleep improves athletic performance

In a study of basketball players, a better night’s rest improved the players reaction times, speed, and, accuracy.

In another study of over 2800 women, lack of sleep made them more sluggish and made it difficult to perform tasks that required coordination.

Now that we’ve discussed the health benefits of sleep, lets talk about how to get a better nights rest.

Here are 5 Sleeping Tips everyone needs to know

Sleeping tip #1. Use Black out curtains and duct tape to black out your room

Melatonin, also know as the sleep hormone, is raised when the sun goes down to indicate to our bodies that it’s time to rest.

The problem is street lights, outlets, and all sorts of other unnatural lights confuse this hormone and trick it into thinking it’s still daytime.

Do a complete blackout of your room and you will notice a BIG difference in both quality of sleep and ability to get to sleep.

Also, computer screens and phone screens confuse melatonin as well. There are nighttime modes on these devices, but it’s always best to just not use them 1 hour before bedtime.

Sleeping tip #2. Have A Routine

Humans are habitual creatures and creating a systematic routine will improve sleep.

Something as simple as brushing your teeth, reading a book for 15 minutes and immediately going to bed is a habit you can build to make your sleep almost automatic at night.

Sleeping tip #3. Use Your Bed for Nothing but Sleep and the occasional… physical activity.

Goes with the habit thing, but the moment you hit the bed you want the body to recognize that it’s time to fall asleep.

So try not to work on your bed or spend anytime on it when you’re not resting.

Sleeping tip #4. Use a pillow between or underneath your legs.

This will help to maintain the alignment of your back and improve your posture over time.

It will also help those of you suffering with lower back pain.

There is not perfect way to sleep, but on your back is probably best as it helps to maintain the alignment of your neck and spine.

Sleeping tip #5. Napping is great.

A short 20-30 minute nap lowers cortisol levels and is very healthy for the body.

So bring back a little bit of your childhood and do a quick cat nap if feeling tired mid day!

Our last point is that the right amount of time for optimal sleep benefits is 7-9 hours per night.

No less than 7 and no more than 9 is the perfect amount.

Studies Used:
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Here are some other recommendations from the experts.

Put down the smart phone. Take breaks from social media and the news. Give your mind a chance to disconnect. Consider setting up specific times or time limits on how long you spend checking the news each day, so you can stay informed without getting overwhelmed.

Take care of yourself. Engage in healthy habits as much as possible. Eat well balanced meals, get some exercise, get plenty of sleep, and avoid bad habits, like too much alcohol.

Enjoy your hobbies. Take the time to engage in relaxing activities, like reading a book, cooking a nice meal, or doing something creative like painting or knitting.

Check in with your friends and family. Social distancing doesn’t mean social isolation! Connect with the people you care about to share your concerns and feelings and see how you can help support them.

Take a deep breath to avoid burnout. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, stop and take a deep breath. Take a step back and give yourself space to process your feelings. Consider doing some stretches or yoga or engaging in a short mindfulness exercise to help keep you grounded.

If your stress is interfering with your daily life, contact your health care provider to ask about additional care and resources. One place you can visit: UC San Diego Health/Psychiatry and Behavioral Health at

The Center For Mindfulness, The Sanford Institute, and the Compassion Institute at UC San Diego Health are working together to provide daily resources to support mindfulness and compassion. Find their schedule and resources here:

For the latest information for UC San Diego Health patients and visitors, please visit
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5 Healthy Meal Planning Tips for Balanced Meals – Watch this Video for tips and go to to learn more.
If you want to make your meal planning healthy, balanced and easy, keep watching this video. Today I am going to share my Top 5 insider tips to meal planning and a balanced diet
Meal planning is great as it helps to reduce you grocery bill, save time and help you feel organized.
Something that has truly helped me start meal planning is the Healthy Lifestyle Meals Software App which makes meal planning a slice of pie…deserts can be healthy too. The best part is that it makes your daily, weekly and monthly meals healthy for yourself and each family member. This software is used by astronauts, athletes and celebrities and I will share with you how you can use it for as little as
But first let me share the first tip to creating a healthy meal plan
Tip number 1
1. Access what you already have
a. Check out your fridge pantry and freezer for what you already have?
b. Make sure you Check your expiry dates
c. If you know you have a tub of yogurt make sure your using it up at breakfast or snack time
d. Also you are going to want to know Who is in and out for what meals, find out how many people you are cooking for
e. I typically meal prep from Monday to Friday as I like to leave the weekends open and free, if you have plans for a BBQ or go out for dinner.
Before I go on to the other 4 tips I just want to share how incredible this ap is.
I know you don’t want to watch an hour long video, so I just broke it down into a few videos.
Okay so you want to maintain a balanced diet correct?
Check out how simple the Healthy Lifestyle Meals App truly is. I just input my daily and weekly meals and it will actually show me if I am getting enough Vitamin C, or calcium in my diet. Or for example if my sodium levels are higher than average it will tell me so I can eliminate and refrain from eating certain items.
Watch the next video for tip number 2
Welcome to Healthy Lifestyle Meals Software Demonstration
If you are looking forward to automate your meal planning or I should say healthy meal planning for any purpose such as for weight loss or for heart-friendly foods or want the balanced meals, you are at the right place. I also going to demonstrate how to plan low calories or low protein or low carbohydrates meals by using our Healthy Lifestyle Meals Software.
Once you sign up for the Trial offer for 30 days, you get the access to all features.
You can access the Software from the Membership area.
In order to use the Healthy Lifestyle Meals Software for the right purpose, you need to customize it by sharing the personalized data like your height, your age, your lifestyle and your goal.
The system has the capability to balance meals for every day based on proven scientific 26 vitamins and minerals that you should be taking every day. This system is used for the performance athletes, astronauts, celebrities and anyone with deep pockets to provide balanced nutrition. And now this power is available to you for your family.
Whenever you want to plan it for a different family member, you need to change the personal data so that system can design the right meals for the person. If you believe in investing in your health, then it is best to take a different account for each family member like many others have done it.
OK let’s show you the power of the food grading system or we call it traffic light system for meal planning.
Let’s say your goal is not to lose weight or not to take food for any specific health reason but you just want to maintain a healthy way of eating the right foods.
Let’s select some foods for breakfasts, lunch and dinner and you can immediately see the results of your foods selection through the traffic light system if you are on the right track or you need to keep working on your food selection until you get the passing grade which is green lights for each 26 nutrients and minerals. You also need to get the green lights for the calorie needs.
The system is designed to provide you a balanced nutrition no matter what your situation is.
Imagine that you want to lose weight? You can do that with the system and no more guessing if you are on the right track or not.
Imagine you want high protein diets because you are extremely active and training for bodybuilding or training for high performance sports or just want to lose weight, you can do it with this software.
If you are carbs sensitive, you may need low carbs diet. The software can guide you immediately as soon as you tell the software what you want.
There is a lot to show you.
If you want to learn more about this, check out at and sign up for Trial 30 days offer!
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