The Exercise

Exercises To Help Relieve Joint Pain | Are Your Joints Hurting | Fit Tak

Exercises To Help Relieve Joint Pain | Are Your Joints Hurting | Fit Tak

The joint pain, swelling, stiffness, and fatigue that people with rheumatoid arthritis experience can make you want to stay on the couch. The less movement, the less risk for pain, right?

Wrong. In fact, the opposite is true. Regular exercise can actually help ease joint pain and other RA symptoms. So, perform this exercise regularly and get rid of joint pain.

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Peter Attia, M.D., and founder of Attia Medical, PC, sits down with Tom to discuss what changes everyone should make in their life in order to build and extend the best quality of your physical and emotional durability as you age.

Show Notes
Preserving health and extending physical longevity [0:47]
Loading muscle vs. loading joints [2:20]
The new sport of becoming a kickass 100-year-old [3:27]
Minimizing suffering and training to be the best 100-year-old [4:42]
The physical results and consequences of aging [7:34]
Adapting your exercise to risk probability [9:28]
The VO2 max threshold [11:45]
Fast vs. slow orthopedic injuries that kill people [14:58]
The substantial risks of join overload [16:50]
Driving and alcohol as the biggest misjudgments of risk [17:46]
Caloric restriction offers considerable long-term benefits [21:31]
The truth about the Standard American Diet (S.A.D.) [22:45]
Investing in health over money [26:39]
Being cautious on teaching kids how to eat [28:36]
The Sunk Cost Fallacy [31:12]
Using insecurities as a mechanism to drive you [34:40]
Recognizing what your reactions actually mean [36:26]
Surround yourself with honest, patient people [41:40]
Being the best version of yourself for those you love [42:50]
We suffer in our heads more than in any other way [44:59]
Exercise, Sleep, Nutrition, Management of Distress [46:28]

Follow Peter Attia
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The Exercise

Relieve hip joint pain | Waist & Hips exercise | organ exercise Part-12 | Yoga Pariwar | Yoga2020

Welcome to Yoga pariwar!

Yoga pariwar is a pariwar- (family) of all of you who want to practice healthy activities (yoga, healthy lifestyle and positive mental health ) and want to experience their effects on health and well being in their own life.

Yoga pariwar encourages, motivates and guides people to study, practice and realise the benefits of healthy activities and make healthy activities as a part of their life.

Yoga pariwar assists and facilitates for continuing healthy practices to make a healthier society.

If you aspire for a healthy and happy life, then you are for Yoga pariwar and Yoga pariwar is for you.

The purpose of this organ exercise series is to focus and give exercise to each and every organ for a healthy and happy life.

When you focus and give exercise to a particular organ, that organ becomes healthy and active.

When you give exercise to all your organs, all your organs become healthy and active.

When all your organs become healthy and active, you become healthy and active.

For any practice of yoga asana or exercise, you do as per your own capacity. Limit yourself up to the point so that exercises do not cause any undue pain or harm to your body. If you have any problem, you can consult your physician or do it under the direct supervision of a yoga master.

The Exercise

SI Joint Dysfunction Exercises & Stretches – Ask Doctor Jo

SI Joint Dysfunction Exercises & Stretches These SI joint dysfunction exercises can help if you’ve been told you have a hip rotation. They will help you to keep it in place and strengthen the muscles so it won’t rotate back out of place. Sometimes you might feel or hear a pop. See Doctor Jo’s blog post about SI Joint Dysfunction at

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**Click Below to SUBSCRIBE for More Videos:


Doctor Jo is a licensed Physical Therapist and Doctor of Physical Therapy.


More details about this video:
The exercises and stretches in this video will help if you have been diagnosed with a SI joint dysfunction. This is when the pelvis is out of alignment with your spine. The sacrum comes together with your iliac bones, and this joint is called the SI joint.

Your doctor or therapist might tell you that you have a posterior or anterior pelvic rotation. This is also called an innominate rotation. It can cause pain in your hips or pelvis and sacrum area. Many times people will say it hurts in their butt cheek area. It will also be painful while walking or change your gait pattern. Once it’s corrected by your therapist, you want to strengthen your hip and pelvic muscles to keep it in place. Occasionally, it will go back out, and here is a good way to self-correct it.

Here are some isometric hip exercises and techniques to get it back in place and keep it in place. Using a combination of hip flexion and extension, and then hip abduction and hip adduction will help rotate the hips back into place. With isometric exercises and all exercises, make sure you are not holding your breath. If you cannot talk while you are performing exercises, then most likely you are holding your breath.

SI Joint Dysfunction Exercises & Stretches:

DISCLAIMER: This video and any related comments are not medical advice. Doctor Jo is a licensed Physical Therapist and Doctor of Physical Therapy; however, she is not YOUR Physical Therapist and can’t possibly diagnose you through the Internet. So don’t use this information to avoid going to your own healthcare professional or to replace the advice they have given you. This information is only intended to show you the correct technique for physical therapy exercises and should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any medical condition. If you are not properly diagnosed, this information won’t help, and it could make things worse. So seriously, check with your healthcare professional before doing these techniques. If you experience any pain or difficulty while doing these exercises, stop immediately and see your healthcare professional.
Video Rating: / 5

The Exercise

4 Simple Sacroiliac Joint Exercises for Pelvic Strength & Stability

4 Simple Sacroiliac Joint Exercises for Pelvic Strength & Stability

Sacroiliac joint exercises with Physical Therapist Michelle Kenway from to strengthen your buttocks, stabilize your pelvis & protect your pelvic floor.

These 4 sacroiliac joint exercises are general buttock strengthening exercises directed towards conditioning the muscles surrounding the sacroiliac joints. These exercises are not a substitute for medical treatment from your health practitioner. These SIJ exercises are the type of exercises commonly prescribed for SI joint instability.

Sacroiliac joint exercises demonstrated in this video:

1. Floor bridge

Starting position:

Lying supine on a firm surface, knees bent and feet flat


– Push down through your heels and raise your buttocks off the mat
– Breathe out as you raise your body
– Lower your body back to starting position

Bridge Exercise Progression

Place a dumbbell weight on your pelvis

2. Clam

Starting position

Commence lying on a firm surface on your side, knees bent, head and neck supported


– Raise the top leg just above the lower leg keeping your feet in contact
– Lower the lifting leg back to starting position
– Repeat lying on both sides

Clam Progression

Position a weight on the upper outer thigh close to the knee or use an exercise band around the thighs

3. Alternate arm and leg raise

Starting Position

– Lying prone with/without a cushion supporting the hips and pelvis
– Keep the forehead resting down on the back of the hands


– Gently contract your deep abdominal muscles
– Raise one straight leg off the mat
– Lower the leg back to the mat
– Repeat on both sides

Alternate arm and leg raise progression

Lift and lower alternate arm and legs simultaneously

4. Heel prop

Starting position

– Lying prone with/without a pillow supporting the hips and pelvis
– Keep forehead down supported on the back of the hands


– Bend one leg at the knee to approximately 90 degrees (right angle)
– Lift the bent leg pushing the flexed foot towards the ceiling
– Lower the bent leg back to starting position
– Repeat with the other leg

Physical Therapy Tips for Safe Sacroiliac Joint Exercises

– Cease any exercise that causes physical discomfort
– Support the hips and pelvis with a cushion when lying prone
– Progress gradually
– Avoid tensing the pelvic floor pelvic floor muscles during these exercises.

How Many Sacroiliac Joint Exercises?

Commence with whatever feels comfortable for your body, even 1-2 repetitions at a time
Generally aim for 10-12 repetitions of each exercise at a time (1 set)
Repeat up to 3 sets of exercises/day
SIJ strengthening exercises can be performed 3-5 times per week

Research has shown that SIJ exercises for stabilization were effective in postpartum women for pain and disability (1) however some research has failed show that stabilization exercise is any more effective than other treatment regimes (2).

(1) Stuge B, Laerum E, Kirkesola G, Vollestad N. (2004) The efficacy of a treatment program focusing on specifi c stabilizing exercises for pelvic girdle pain aft er pregnancy: A randomized controlled trial. Spine 29:351–359.

(2) Nilsson-Wikmar L, Holm K, Oijerstedt R, Harms-Ringdahl K. (2005) Effect of three different
physical therapy treatments on pain and activity in pregnant women with pelvic girdle
pain: A randomized clinical trial with 3, 6, and 12 months follow-up postpartum. Spine ;30:850–856.
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Also see:
How to Treat Your Low Back Pain and Sciatica

How to Treat a Lumbar Disc Tear or Disc Herniation

How to Prevent Flare-ups of Low Back Pain

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