4 Simple Sacroiliac Joint Exercises for Pelvic Strength & Stability

Sacroiliac joint exercises with Physical Therapist Michelle Kenway from https://www.pelvicexercises.com.au to strengthen your buttocks, stabilize your pelvis & protect your pelvic floor.

These 4 sacroiliac joint exercises are general buttock strengthening exercises directed towards conditioning the muscles surrounding the sacroiliac joints. These exercises are not a substitute for medical treatment from your health practitioner. These SIJ exercises are the type of exercises commonly prescribed for SI joint instability.

Sacroiliac joint exercises demonstrated in this video:

1. Floor bridge

Starting position:

Lying supine on a firm surface, knees bent and feet flat


– Push down through your heels and raise your buttocks off the mat
– Breathe out as you raise your body
– Lower your body back to starting position

Bridge Exercise Progression

Place a dumbbell weight on your pelvis

2. Clam

Starting position

Commence lying on a firm surface on your side, knees bent, head and neck supported


– Raise the top leg just above the lower leg keeping your feet in contact
– Lower the lifting leg back to starting position
– Repeat lying on both sides

Clam Progression

Position a weight on the upper outer thigh close to the knee or use an exercise band around the thighs

3. Alternate arm and leg raise

Starting Position

– Lying prone with/without a cushion supporting the hips and pelvis
– Keep the forehead resting down on the back of the hands


– Gently contract your deep abdominal muscles
– Raise one straight leg off the mat
– Lower the leg back to the mat
– Repeat on both sides

Alternate arm and leg raise progression

Lift and lower alternate arm and legs simultaneously

4. Heel prop

Starting position

– Lying prone with/without a pillow supporting the hips and pelvis
– Keep forehead down supported on the back of the hands


– Bend one leg at the knee to approximately 90 degrees (right angle)
– Lift the bent leg pushing the flexed foot towards the ceiling
– Lower the bent leg back to starting position
– Repeat with the other leg

Physical Therapy Tips for Safe Sacroiliac Joint Exercises

– Cease any exercise that causes physical discomfort
– Support the hips and pelvis with a cushion when lying prone
– Progress gradually
– Avoid tensing the pelvic floor pelvic floor muscles during these exercises.

How Many Sacroiliac Joint Exercises?

Commence with whatever feels comfortable for your body, even 1-2 repetitions at a time
Generally aim for 10-12 repetitions of each exercise at a time (1 set)
Repeat up to 3 sets of exercises/day
SIJ strengthening exercises can be performed 3-5 times per week

Research has shown that SIJ exercises for stabilization were effective in postpartum women for pain and disability (1) however some research has failed show that stabilization exercise is any more effective than other treatment regimes (2).

(1) Stuge B, Laerum E, Kirkesola G, Vollestad N. (2004) The efficacy of a treatment program focusing on specifi c stabilizing exercises for pelvic girdle pain aft er pregnancy: A randomized controlled trial. Spine 29:351–359.

(2) Nilsson-Wikmar L, Holm K, Oijerstedt R, Harms-Ringdahl K. (2005) Effect of three different
physical therapy treatments on pain and activity in pregnant women with pelvic girdle
pain: A randomized clinical trial with 3, 6, and 12 months follow-up postpartum. Spine ;30:850–856.
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How to Treat Your Low Back Pain and Sciatica

How to Treat a Lumbar Disc Tear or Disc Herniation

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Video Rating: / 5


  1. Watched a lot of videos on YouTube for SIJ and only this helped. All great rehab exercises in one video. Great work. Thanks Michelle. Wish you the best.

  2. Thank you for these, I’ve had problems with my SI joint when I was pregnant several years ago. Started a spin class recently and I think this caused the SI joint pain again unfortunately. Couldn’t remember the exercises from many years ago that I did in PT, but thankfully found this!

  3. You are a Godsend. I've had pain for 6 years but luckily I have some knowledge as I studied medicine for 3 years. Upon visiting the chiropractor I was told me to do back stretches + strengthen my core a little (obliques, abs, but also rhomboids & longissimus thoracis) All due to a slight nonstructural scoliosis. After the session and being fixed (which last for 3 days) , I asked: should I not strengthen the SI area since I would be also correcting the scoliosis and stretching and maybe causing imbalance? "no no, you will be fine"…. But now with your video, I am literally fixed and pain gone from the 1st day. Now it's been a week and no pain! Thank you so much!

  4. Michelle are these safe and appropriate if you’ve had SI joint fusions in one side (7 years ago). I’ve been told by a few surgeons and pain docs residual sacrum pain is from the fusion throwing off alignment. It’s why am asking if these exercises might help. Thx!

  5. I just subscribed and looking forward to getting feeling better with the help of your channel.

  6. Hi I believe I have a left SI joint problem however I'm not so sure. Is there anyway I can confirm or have a test to show its a SI problem? Also I'm getting pain in the bottom of my left foot. I have started training again after a few years off due to lower back injury. When running on the treadmill after the workout I get pain in the groin area. Is this SI related? Many Thanks

  7. In so much pain. And that along with some other relief movements from the two doctors, I do have some relief. Thankful!!!!

  8. Hello doctor,

    I am a patient of ankolysing spondilitis with HLA b 27 positive. And my pain is around sacroilaitic joint . Pain is so severe that's why i can't move on bed. Even i sneezing or coughing a current like pain on sacroilaitic joint. Please Mam suggest me for how to cope up with my situation.

    Nikhil Shekhar ( india)

  9. Thanks so much for these exercises, I went for physical therapy , and she showed me these excercises but I got hurt because she did explain it as clearly as you did, thanks again
