Leisa Bellmore, Shiatsu Therapist in the Artists’ Health Centre at Toronto Western Hospital demonstrates how to perform self-shiatsu on the hand to help with sleep. Click to read full story on UHN.ca: http://www.uhn.ca/corporate/News/Pages/self_shiatsu_might_help_you_sleep.aspx
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Stanford Sleep Clinic's Dr. Rachel Manber Discusses Sleeping Well as We Age

Sleeping Well As We Age

A common misperception is that we do not need as much sleep as we age–but it turns out that we need a good night’s sleep throughout our lifespan. This talk focuses on the mechanism of sleep, addressing misconceptions about sleep and the practical things we can do to promote healthy sleep habits as we age. Sleep on!

Speaker: Rachel Manber, PhD, Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences

Learn more:

Visit: http://stanfordhealthcare.org


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