Hair Loss

Top 5 Hair Loss Treatments for Men – Fighting Male Baldness & Alopecia

Are you suffering from thinning hair? Find the best treatment for you!

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Hair loss is very normal for most men and it happens to us as we age. Frankly, I don’t know of any man including me who is happy to lose their hair. So the big question is how do you treat or even reverse hair loss?

In today’s video, we’re only going to talk about male pattern hair loss which is a hereditary trait and not tied to any medications or illnesses. I’m not a medical doctor and everything I say here is based on my experience and my opinions. So the first place to start when you notice some hair loss is your doctor. Talk to them to figure out if anything is wrong so you can get to the real bottom of it. So of course the big question is how can you treat hair loss or possibly even reverse it?

1. Some people argue that hair loss has something to do with the type of hat you wear or the grooming you do but that is simply not the case. Brushing your hair or wearing a baseball hat are totally fine and will have no

2. Hair loss myth number two is to take hair vitamins. The truth is there’s no such thing as a hair vitamin unless the cause of your hair loss was a nutritional deficiency.

3. Hair loss also isn’t caused by any stress, a lack of circulation, or the sun shining on your head.

4. Guys who go bald have more testosterone and the increased testosterone has something to do with the lack of hair in your head, not true! Studies have shown that men who are bald have similar testosterone levels to men who are not bald.

5. Finally, there’s one connection to balding that’s actually very true. Smoking makes your baldness more severe and it’s just something to keep in mind next time you smoke that cigarette.


1. Finasteride
Finasteride is a prescription drug also known under the brand name Propecia. It has been on the market since 1997 and you just take it orally in form of a pill every day. It treats hair loss on your crown and the middle part of your scalp but not on other parts of your body. It blocks your DHT hormones by about 70% thus slowing down the shrinkage and shortening of your hair and therefore, you keep your hair for longer. Dutasteride also blocks DHT even though it’s more effective in the sense that it can block up to 90% of DHT versus Finasteride only blocks up to about 70% of the DHT hormone. So obviously, it’s more effective but it’s not FDA approved in the US for hair loss treatment.

2. Minoxidil / Rogaine
It’s an over-the-counter medication and FDA approved in the US for hair loss treatment. Interestingly, it’s supposed to be used around the crown of your scalp only and nowhere else. It’s basically a foam that you have to apply to your crown twice a day in order to be effective. In my book, that’s a serious commitment.

3. Hair transplantation
This is not a drug but it works actually by moving hair follicles from areas where you have a lot of hair to areas where you don’t have a lot of hair. Yes, it sounds like a lot of work and it is because every single follicle from the back or from the side of your scalp has to be relocated. Because of that, it takes a lot of time, is therefore very costly, and can also cause a lot pain.

4. Laser therapy
It’s also known as low light therapy or cold laser therapy and it works in the way that photons are irradiated onto your scalp thus helping to increase the circulation on your scalp. The idea is that the photons stimulate the circulation in your scalp and therefore, help your hair growth.

5. Scalp micropigmentation
Now, this really doesn’t treat the hair loss, it is more of a cosmetic procedure, think of it you are tattooing little dots onto your head so it looks like you have a buzz cut that was intentional and not forced because you’re going bald. It cost anywhere between 00-00 depending on how many hair dots have to be tattooed onto your scalp.
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Each year thousands of men fly to Turkey to go under the knife to stop them losing their hair.
The BBC’s Tiffany Sweeney follows one of them as he undergoes the costly procedure miles from home to see how effective the operation is.

Producers: Ed Ram, Chris Robinson and Dino Sofos

#Turkey #HairTransplant #HairLoss #BBC

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Body Secret

Men's Health Moment: Optimizing Male Fertility

There are a number of things you can do to improve your sperm counts. In this video, Mayo Clinic Urologist, Dr. Sevann Helo, discusses things you can do to improve your sperm counts and motility. She’ll also discuss which vitamins and supplements may be beneficial, how you should be timing sex and ovulation if you’re trying to get pregnant, and which cancers are associated with low sperm counts.
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Hair Loss

How I Got My Hair Back (Male Pattern Baldness)

My story with Male pattern baldness, talking about hair transplants and hair loss medication like Finasteride – this is not a tutorial.
*Comments have been disabled after threats had been made and no one reading the description*

The medication is called Finasteride. I was meant to say that I even though I haven’t had any side effects, there is cases of others having side effects, for more information I’d suggest a Google search.

I won’t be responding to messages on social media about this, this video is literally documenting my story with it – again, not a tutorial.

Please be smart before deciding to take medication, do the research and speak with a medical professional. This video is just sharing my experience, not encouraging you to do what I did.

#HairLoss #ReadTheDescription
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Men and women with hair loss often ask me why their hair is thinning. In most cases hormones are to blame. Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is the culprit in men, while DHT and other hormones can cause hair loss in women. If you inherit hair follicles that are sensitive to these hormones, the result is a condition called androgenetic alopecia, better known as male pattern baldness and female pattern hair loss. Androgenetic alopecia affects more than 50 million men and 40 million women in the United States, making it the most common cause of hair loss by far.
What is DHT?

DHT is a naturally-occurring by-product of testosterone, the male sex hormone. An enzyme in the hair follicle’s sebaceous (oil) glands helps convert testosterone to DHT. This process happens in both men and women, even though women have less testosterone than men.

How Does DHT Cause Hair Loss?

To understand how DHT causes hair loss, it helps to understand the hair growth cycle. The cycle includes four phases: growing (anagen), transitional (catagen), resting (telogen) and shedding (exogen). DHT builds up in the hair follicles over time, disrupting the growth cycle. In a process called miniaturization, DHT shrinks hair follicles causing strands to reproduce at a slower rate by either shortening the growing phase or lengthening the resting phase. As androgenetic alopecia progresses and DHT continues to adversely affect the follicles, hairs become thinner, more fragile and often lighter in color with each subsequent life cycle. Eventually, the follicles shut down and will no longer produce hair.
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