The Energy Balance in Nutrition

A good diet should provide just about the amount of energy we need to spend. But what if we eat more? And what if we eat less? [Nutrition Steps 3.1]
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Presented by Carmina Cuilty-McGee, MS, RDN, LE

Nutrition and lifestyle practices (physical activity, sleep, self-care and stress response) are often overlooked in patients struggling with neuroendocrine disorders. Patients will often be given simplistic directives such as “just lose weight” or “you need to eat healthier”, without the specifics on how to accomplish it. The connection between neuroendocrine disorders and nutrition is often not considered by other healthcare specialists treating neuroendocrine disorders. Working with a skilled Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) should be a part of the assessment and treatment process and can contribute greatly to improving the patient\’s health. The RDN provides unique knowledge and skills that can integrate with other health practitioners treating patients with neuroendocrine imbalances. In this webinar we will explore the intersection of nutrition and lifestyle factors in terms of how they can improve and impact neuroendocrine balance.
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