Balancing kapha dosha begins by balancing what’s on your plate! These are the best approaches in Ayurveda to creating and maintaining a kapha balancing diet that works for you and your kapha body type.

These 10 tips will give you an in-depth Ayurvedic perspective on the vital roles that taste, temperature, and energetics play when it comes to selecting supportive food items. We’ll go over detailed listings of foods to favor, foods to avoid, as well as the Ayurvedic principles behind creating a kapha pacifying diet. Diet can do wonders when it comes to helping you feel more at energetic, motivated, and ready to take on the world.

We’ll also touch on some easy recipes that make for the perfect kapha balancing breakfasts, lunches, and dinners to support you. You may even find yourself achieving your ideal weight by incorporating these kapha-busting Ayurvedic insights!

The journey towards a healthier diet begins with one ingredient at a time.

For more kapha tips and recipes head to our website. Wondering if you might be a kapha dosha or something else? Click here to take the Ayurvedic Profile Quiz:

Best Spices for Kapha:
Kapha-Balancing Foods Lists:
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  1. Who’s here after trying all diet plans because you didn’t follow them right ?

  2. add to that being on an acid free diet ?
    good luck for me i guess.. thanks for the video very informative!

  3. My wife has Kapha dosha, is doing a different diet and doesn't like the warming sensation of the warming spices. What can I do to convince her of there benefits and that it will be worth it? She prefers to stay cool.

  4. I'm a Pitta-Kapha normally, but decreased in Pitta and elevated in Kapha. I just haven't felt like myself since cohabitating/eating with a Kapha.
    When I felt balanced I had a common breakfast of cup of cooked amaranth with tablespoon of dried cranberries and crystallized ginger. Perfectly sweet and warm. Snacks I saw as moist were probably cooling: strawberries, cucumbers, peppers sliced. I did massage and they were a lifesaver in heavy shifts. And I always preferred to eat well for breakfast and heavier for lunch, while lightest at dinner. I'm all out of whack now, and back in school.

  5. This was very helpful! Thank you. It answered one very important question I had about a change in my digestion. I will look for the soup recipe you mentioned.

  6. Just received my order of Kapha Balancing herbs and massage oils from Banyan Botanicals. So excited to feel unblocked in my sinuses and my general feelings of "flow". I have a question. I live where it is hot and humid all year. The thought of eating hot foods more often is not appealing to me. Any suggestions for using fruits and veggies predominantly. I make soups around once or twice a month, but mostly eat smoothies, and salads all year. Mahalo for this great video.

  7. I loved how she said you have to feel your body after you eat something. I just ate some bread pudding and I feel the heaviness. I get it now. Thank you for this video.

  8. can you post the recipe link for red lentil lemongrass soup. I can't find one that looks that red. Its look great!!! Thank you. excellent!!!!
