Heyy babes!

The very requested video is finally covered and I hope I talked about everything important.


♡Instagram: @dianashex
♡Tumblr: http://divnvs.tumblr.com
♡Snapchat: didiwigga
♡Email: diana.shekhany@hotmail.com
♡Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/divnvs

Frequently asked Q’s;

♡What camera do I use? SONY Nex-5 & Canon Legria mini X
♡Where is my mirror from? IKEA
♡My ethnicity? Born and raised in Stockholm, originally from Slemani Kurdistan


  1. LOVERS!

    First of all – I am not an expert or a nutrionist of any sort, this is 100% only my experience and knowledge. It has been so requested and for the longest time I have been against talking about it because I am scared to say wrong etc, so please be kind.

    Watching back at this video I realized I am mostly covering information and mental preparedness for weightloss, however I feel like that is the first step to a successfull journey. I will make other videos like "What I eat in a day" etc. Please let me know your thoughts, love xxx

  2. This kind of diet plan“Kαbοnοz Ydα” (Google it) has provided me all of the resources to eliminate my ugly belly fat. Indeed, I dropped 25lbs even if I am huge lady and I don’t carry out frequent exercises. I sleep more seriously and also don’t feel groggy in the morning. I think it`s an excellent boost given it offers me power and I could feel the fat burning. .

  3. I have already implemented this “Yamzoko Weebly” (Google it) for several weeks by now and also the results are remarkable. I still have the power I want without having curbing the appetite without making me really feel jittery. I have not changed other things I`m doing and have lost 7 lbs. .

  4. Its still shock me just how some people don't know about Custokebon Secrets although lots of people using it. Thanks to my pal who told me about this. I've lost a ton of fat.

  5. I will have to say everything she is saying os discribing me and truth is bitter but true

  6. Anyone else to comment on where that camera lens is used? Nope? Ok I’m out…

  7. These topics are very interesting to me, I'm a 25 year old man, and like all of us I've had my problems with those naughty little fats that bother us all, and the same thing sweated my 53 year old mother.

    However, my mom has managed to reduce about 20 kg in less than 5 months, she tells me that she has used a method she found on the Internet, personally I do not usually trust these products, but due to the great change that has given my mother I will give it a chance …

    If anyone wants to try it and share results with me, here is the link.


    (sorry about the ads I didn't know how to put another link)

  8. Hi there I’m trying to lose weight but I am unsure what program I should use? My friend recommended a supplement His results were impressive however I want more information on the product before buying. Does anyone know about this product… http://www.cutcravings.wordpress.com

  9. Agreed! I had the same problem. I was going to the gym and only buliding muscle ,not losing weight, just got bigger. That totally demotivated me but I'm working on my mindset now and also my diet 🙂 let's be healthy together <3
    P.S. this is the most REAL video I have ever watched! Thank you for filming it :')

  10. Im definitely a comfort eater and this is what i want to do loose the weight without exercising as much.

  11. This specific “Kαbοnοz Ydα” (Google it) is a diet plan that I have applying just for 5 weeks already and I have burned Ten pounds already and also cut 3 inches off of my waist. It provides me the power that I need together with dropping excess fat then any of the others. .

  12. I'm can't eat gluten or dairy + I have a ton more allergies and I still eat a lot!? It's okay though. I'm still growing!

  13. the second i heard "i stopped eating carbs" i ran. CARBS ARE GOOD FOR YOU. CARBS ARE YOUR FRRIEENNNDD
